Monday, November 28, 2011
Room 6 Samoan Sasa
Room 6 have been learning about Globalisation and as part of this we have been learning about dances from around the world. We have particularly enjoyed learning a Samoan Sasa. Enjoy watching our performance!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My swing
Today I brought in my swing that I built on Saturday 18 of November and showed it to Room 3. I built it out of Mecano. Mecano is parts and pieces that you can make stuff with like my swing. You use nuts and bolts to hold the pieces together. I got my set when I was four and I lost the instructions so I built it from my imagination.
Have you built anything like this before, can you share it with us?
By Nicolai
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Pounamu is a rock found in rivers in New Zealand it is mostly made into necklaces but can be made into many other things as well. The first people to use it were Maori. Greenstones are very rare and has never been found in the North Island which is why the Maori name for the South Island is Te Waipounamu.
Do you have any information about other types of rocks?
By Caitlin
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Our Mathletics Star
Friday, November 11, 2011
Kid Pix African Drums
by Sophie, Matthew, Sofia, Lily, Taegan and William
Room 4
African Drums
In year 3 we had a visit from Mohamed, an African drum master, he taught us how to play the drums and why they are important. We hope you enjoy watching this video showing our morning with Mohamed.
Mrs P
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Guy Fawkes Fun
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Our Pasifika Mama's!
Our Pasifika Mama's were from....
Cook Islands
Have you been to any of these countries and could share your stories with us?
Room 2
Arty Thai Elephants
We hope that you have enjoyed our art.
Can you share what you know about Thailand with us?
From Mr. Janse
Aboriginal Art
This week Room 1 were learning about the Aboriginal culture. This cultural group is apart of Australia. Their visual art is made up of 100's of dots. The people of this culture used to hide special messages and stories in their visual art. We painted our own aboriginal art.
Do you know how other cultural groups express their culture through visual art?
Thanks Room 1
Thursday, October 27, 2011
History of Rugby
Room 1
Rugby History on Dipity.
History of the Rugby World Cup
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Visualising - Rockin Rooster

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Famous New Zealand Discoverers
In year 3 we have been learning about discovery. We learnt about some famous New Zealand discoverers, the reason why we are learning about famous New Zealand discoverers is because our sports groups are named after these people. Can you guess who they are?
By Faith, Charlotte, Toby and James (Room 6)
We're going on a Treasure Hunt ....
Everyone loves a good treasure hunt. As part of our introduction to our Discovery learning this term we had a treasure hunt. Watch the photostory to see what fun we had discovering.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Red Cape and Dangerous

We are now in a different country. Here we say "hola" for hello, and "si" for yes. I am in front of a famous building, where a sports event happens. This sport is very popular in this country and involves a man with a cape and an animal. Can you guess the sport, and the country. The city we are in is a big city in the Southern part of this country (at the bottom on the map) and begins with the letter "S".
Hasta luego room 4 and year 3..
from William Mc
Our Enviro Tour
Come and see my amazing Enviro Tour because it really shows our wonderful environment. I hope you like it!
By Amie
My Creative Photo Story
We are an Enviro School so I have this photo story to show you. I wonder what your Enviro School looks like. Feel free to comment. I hope you like it.
By Ryan
Come On My Enviro Tour!
Friday, June 3, 2011
South Morningside Primary - Edinburgh

This week room 4 skyped Miss Fair from South Morningside Primary in Edinburgh. It was morning time for us and when Miss Fair moved her camera to the window it was pitch black. She is behind us in days.
Miss Fair is a year 4 teacher and she has a very different accent because she is from Scotland. It was a bit freaky because we were talking to someone on the other side of the world!!!! We talked all about our school. We explained to her that we are an Environmental School which means we take care of our gardens, have lots of trees, a worm farm, our gully and we work hard to be sustainable in this school. We have recycling bins and if we have any food scraps we put them in the worm bins and then they get taken to the worm farm by the year 3 worm farm monitors. The worms eat the scraps make worm poo and worm tea and we put it on our plants to keep healthy and strong.
We are going to make some videos for the kids at South Morningside so they can see what our school is like.
by Matthew E and Jonathon G
Room 4
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Where In The World Is William Mc ......
Where In The World Is William Mc ......
This term one of our year 3 students left to go on an adventure "Around the World in 2 Terms". Using our year 3 blogsite we are going to follow William Mc on his travels and try and guess what the amazing places are he visits.
While he is away William Mc will send us some photos and give us some clues about where he has been or where he is right now. Our challenge will be to use the clues to post a comment back to William Mc telling him where we think he might be...
We are going to learn lots of information about different countries around the world and it will fun to see William and his family along the way.
Keep visiting our blog to find "Where In The World Is William Mc" ......
Mrs Pittaway
A morning with Paula Green
Last Tuesday Paula Green came to visit Meadowbank School. Fiona (our librarian) invited Paula Green so we would be inspired to write poems.
Paula Green is a New Zealand poetry author and he favourite author is Margaret Mahy. She lives at Bethells Beach with 3 cats and 2 dogs. Charlie one of her cats is fat and famous because she wrote two poems about him. Her husband illustrates her poems.
Mrs Green gave us a challenge to write the smallest poem, it had only 10 words, one for each finger and "My Bicycle" poem.
We thought she was amazing and we are going to put some of our own poems on our blog.
Charlotte, Shiva, Grace, McKenzie
Siva, Lilou - Room 6
Friday, April 15, 2011
Room 4's Best Time with Grumpy
Walt : use our voices to share our week with Grumpy.
During the week Grumpy came to room 4. We were working super hard so we got Grumpy. Here is some of the funny things that Grumpy did in Room 4. Grumpy had a great time with his friends. by Room 4.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Our New Name!!!
At last year 3 has a new name for our blog - Welcome to Our World. We voted for our favourite name using a google survey, 39 children voted for this name. We think they choose this name because it sounds exciting and it makes you want to come and see what we are doing in year 3.
Please read what is happening and leave us some comments.
Manon, James and Toby D
Room 2
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
World Water Day
By Mrs P
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Buddy Reading in Room 3
Our buddy class at Meadowbank School is Room 10. Here are some pictures of our two classes sharing some exciting books. We used Tripadviser to create this slide show.
By Room 3
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Trikids at Meadowbank
Walt : use photostory to present our pictures
On Thursday in week four straight after morning tea, room 3 and 4 did a triathalon called Trikids on the large senior field. Our coaches were called Mark, Guy and Ashley. We did it because some of use had never done a triathalon before, so we gave it a try.
Firstly we got into our groups. Then the first person went down to the pool with one of the trikid leaders. Her name was Ashley. Next you had to run back up and get on your bike, you had to do two laps of riding your bike. as soon as you had done that you had to go straight into running. Once they had got back the next person would go. I was the second person. When it was my turn I was so excited. When it was finished
we congratulated everyone. I was so tired I lost my breathe.
by Ava, Nicolai, Caitlin - Room 3
Planting our Sunflower Plants
Walt : make a post on our blog.
Walt : use photostory to present our pictures
On Thursday morning Room 6 walked like a mouse, over to the Puriri tree and sat down and waited quietly for our sunflower lesson to begin. Room 6 went because we needed to plant our sunflowers because they were getting to big in the little pots.
First we had to dig a hole so that we could all put our sunflowers into our holes. Then Room 6 carefully put the sunflowers into the holes and covered them with dirt. Next we all had to push our hands around the sunflower because they had to stay down.
Room 6 are looking forward to watching the sunflowers growing.
by Charlotte, Achindra, Toby, Shiva - Room 6
Room 1, 3, 6 Assembly
Walt : independently use photostory to present our pictures
On Friday we walked to our assembly. We sat on the stage. Then Mikayla said "Please stand for the National Anthem". Next Holly said "Birthday people please stand". All of a sudden people were standing up and we sang let the games begin twice.
After that Miss Cocroft, Miss Hart, Miss Callister and Mr Baker had to do the ski run to show teamwork.
Lastly Olivia said "Please hand out the awards".
by Kyle, Bridget, Reece - Room 1
Chinese Puppet Show
Walt : independently create a post on our blog.
On Tuesday 22nd February 2011 at 2pm the whole school went to the school hall to see a puppet show. Firstly a lady introduced the puppeteers. We watched the ribbon dance. A boy and a girl got to hold the puppets.
Secondly we saw a Michael Jackson puppet. It was really funny. We got to see Romeo and Juliet. Romeo put a flower in Juliets hair. After that we saw a pop singer with four dances. It was the funniest one. Later on we saw a puppet panda. It painted a picture of himself eating bamboo.
Lastly we watched a mask changing one. It was my favorite one because it changed faces and blew fire out of it's mouth.
I really liked it because Michael Jackson was really funny. I hope they come back again.
by Manon, James, Toby - Room 2
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Marble Run
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kia Ora, Ni Hao, Hello
Year 3 Teachers.